We make personal and business taxes simple and easy, helping you get your MAXIMUM REFUND!
Why gamble with a rookie when you can work with a PRO like Myisha Taylor, with over 8 years of experience?
2. Utility bill, lease, rent receipts, etc. (Required to claim Head of Household)
3. Social Security cards for yourself and all dependents
4. Birth Certificate(s) for all minor children
5. School/daycare records
6. W2 or Last Paycheck stub is acceptable
7. Any income related documents
8. Form 1098T- College Form or college related expenses
9. Any business/self-employed income and expense documents.
Myisha is a business owner of "Enchanted Treats" . She is an all around women , who never stops or quits! She values customer service and can't wait to serve you.
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